Bull and Horse
In my work featuring bulls and horses, I tell the tales of one of the finest and unadulterated forces of nature! My bulls and horses portrayals are deeply influenced and inspired by these majestic creatures and the beauty of their profound strength and untamed valor.
- 102 cm round, Charcoal/acrylic on canvas.
- 102 cm round, Charcoal/acrylic on canvas.
- 102x102 cm, Charcoal on canvas.
- 102 cm round, Charcoal/acrylic on canvas.
- 61 cm round, Charcoal on canvas.
- 38x38 cm, Charcoal on paper.
- 107x132 cm, Charcoal on canvas.
- 76x152 cm, Charcoal on canvas.
- 102x102 cm, Charcoal on canvas.
- 76x152 cm, Charcoal on canvas.
- 33x92 cm. Charcoal/acrylic on canvas.
- 107x132 cm, Charcoal on canvas.
- 33x92 cm, Charcoal on paper.
- 107x132 cm, Charcoal/acrylic on canvas.
- 54x92 cm, Charcoal on paper.
- 76x102 cm, Charcoal on paper.
- 76x102 cm, Charcoal on paper.
- 40" round, charcoal/acrylic on canvas
- 30"x60", charcoal/acrylic on canvas